Understanding and addressing violence and harassment


When faced with violence and harassment, our reactions often differ from what we imagine. More often than not, we find ourselves frozen in the moment. Shocking as it may be, the International Labour Organization (ILO) reports that over 20% of people in the global workforce experience violence and harassment at their workplaces. Violence and harassment are present throughout all supply chains from all industries around the world. It is necessary to understand which behaviours constitute violence and harassment and what we can do to prevent them, to intervene in concrete situations and to eradicate them.

The whole TRN team received training on the different types of violence and harassment, and acquired valuable tools to identify, prevent and act in these cases. In this course, participants learn and practice what they can do when they experience or witness violence and harassment at work, during and after the incident. These are safe and brave spaces where colleagues learn how to support each other creating safe working environments.

Client:  The Reassurance Network

“I am so grateful that we had such a training. It was good to interact with the team across regions & sharing the experiences. I learned that there is no wrong reaction to a harassment situation, and that we can be both victims and perpetrators, consciously and unconsciously. Also, everyone’s experience and perception is different, don’t assume how you feel is how they feel. I learned that there are lots of ways to help people in such a situation. I now feel more confidence and power when facing violence and harassment”.

Date: June – August 2023

Location: Online

Scope: Turkey, United Kingdom, China, Romania, Cambodia, India
