improvingworklife works across the world.

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COMIC : Guardians of the Safe Space

Creating a safe space, which is free of violence and harassment is a fundamental part of managing a company. This comic offers a practical, innovative, visually engaging, and fun way to address this complex issue. It introduces the steps needed…



Inside Grievance Mechanisms: A deeper dive

As companies increasingly recognize the importance of addressing workers’ concerns, they are putting in place various mechanisms to address and handle complaints and grievances. Grievance mechanisms are particularly crucial, as they aim to resolve breaches of workers’ rights. To be…

Hungary, Poland, United States, Mexico, China, Italy


VIDEOS: Commuting Safety – Reducing injuries and deaths from road accidents among garment and footwear workers

Commuting safety is an important and often overlooked aspect of Occupational Health and Safety. It requires the implementation of a collective action approach, in which all stakeholders work together to address the systemic issues that lie at the root of…


Transforming business practices through gender equality and responsible business conduct

The ILO, the Ministry of Employment and Poverty Reduction, the Confederation of Employers of Uzbekistan and the Federation of Trade Unions came together to organize a conference on labour rights. During the conference, we had the opportunity to participate in…



How to encourage workers to report their experiences

Labor Unions play a crucial role in ensuring safe workplaces by advocating for the rights and safety of workers. Their involvement is essential in creating and maintaining environments free from violence and harassment. Therefore, raising their awareness and deepening their…



Eliminating and Preventing Violence and Harassment at the Workplace

The legal definition of violence is not static; it evolves over time and varies across countries and regions. However, in 2013, ILO Convention No. 190 provided a broad definition of violence and harassment, offering a common basic understanding while allowing…



Analyzing problems to find sustainable solutions

In this course, various companies from the maquila sector in Honduras obtained valuable tools to address recurring problems in their factories. Working in groups, they completed exercises to analyze these problems and find their root causes. In this way, the…



Digging deeper to find sustainable solutions

Finding effective solutions to the most common and daily problems at a factory might be harder than it sounds. Companies invest lots of money in trying to solve all sorts of challenges, but often find themselves spending resources and time…

Hungary, Italy, Poland


Building safe working spaces

Violence and harassment are deeply embedded in our societies and have enormous impacts in the workplace. They are are often seen as part of our “normal” behavior and relations, making them invisible and difficult to recognize and address. A major…

Uzbekistan, Georgia, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan


Transforming Working Conditions for Outsourced Services in Supply Chains

It is very common for a company or factory to outsource services such as security, cleaning, catering, accounting, and logistics. For a long time, it was not considered that companies had any responsibility for the well-being and working conditions of…



Conflict Management and Communication Skills

Correct conflict management in companies is vital, since labor conflicts can have an overwhelming impact on productivity, the work environment and the relationships between coworkers. This course, offered to various companies in Honduras, and developed in collaboration with the Honduran…



Identifying gender discrimination in the workplace

In today’s world, labour inspectors are required to have knowledge and practical skills to address gender-based discrimination within the workplace. It is not always easy to talk about this issue, as it often implies hard but interesting conversations. This course…



Fair recruitment: general principles and operational guidelines

In hiring processes, some normalized practices can lead to situations of labour exploitation, discrimination, and even forced labor, even if the company is not aware of it. These risks in supply chains are more common than is usually assumed. This…

Spain, Portugal


Training on Grievance Mechanisms

Many companies understand that having a grievance mechanism is now a “must”. Some view them as an opportunity to address workers’ concerns…. And everyone wants to learn how to make them functional and ensure that workers actually trust them and…



Supporting trainers in their TOT process – Child labour due diligence

In this training of trainers coordinated by the ILO and the FUE, labour inspectors from Uganda work on their training skills to become facilitators. This means shifting their role of “experts transferring information” to “Agents of Change” that run experiential…



Understanding and addressing violence and harassment

When faced with violence and harassment, our reactions often differ from what we imagine. More often than not, we find ourselves frozen in the moment. Shocking as it may be, the International Labour Organization (ILO) reports that over 20% of…

Turkey, United Kingdom, China, Romania, Cambodia, India


Equal pay for work of equal value

Occupational segregation refers to the uneven distribution of men and women across different occupations and industries. It has huge impact on the gender pay gap that continues to be at 18,8%, which implies that globally, women, on average, earned about…



Training of Trainers for labour inspectors

This capacity-building program for labour inspectors in Armenia was designed to unfold in three phases. The strategic structure of this initiative aimed at providing a holistic approach to enhancing their skills and knowledge. In the initial phase, the training aimed…



Effective grievance mechanisms

In today’s corporate landscape, it’s increasingly common for companies to have channels for employees to voice their concerns and grievances. Some organizations offer multiple such channels. However, it’s essential to avoid the misconception that the absence of grievances implies smooth…

Poland, Germany, Italy, Hungary, Slovakia


COMIC : Raiders of the Root Cause

Many companies struggle to solve recurring problems effectively. This happens because they tend to focus on the symptoms rather than investigating and addressing the underlying causes of these problems. This comic offers a practical, innovative, visually engaging, and fun way…



Root Cause Analysis

Companies often struggle to find effective solutions to the code violations, non-compliances or general problems they face, mainly because they focus on the symptoms and not the real causes of the problem. This course provides participants a practical and hands…

China, Latin America


Key Transversal Competencies Program

Companies and the factories in their global supply chains are complex environments. Ensuring that international labour standards, national legislations and codes of conduct are respected is not always easy. Through this program, ethical compliance officers and sustainability professionals develop core…

Turkey, United Kingdom, China, Cambodia, India, Romania


Due Diligence on Child Labour

Child labour is present throughout the tea and coffee supply chains. Producers in Uganda require tools to prevent and eradicate child labour from their production, be it in their own facilities or in their suppliers’ operations. To become local agents…



Collaborative Communication for a better connection

Sexual harassment at work can be managed through humanization, and collaborative communication can help us listen and express ourselves with respect and without judgement. Professionals from the public sector (administration, health and education public officials) learned how to maintain conversations…



Creative Problem Solving

Auditing is not only about knowing the legislation. Social auditing is also about communicating, establishing dialogues and finding creative solutions to bring improvements to the workplace. In this course, auditors from more than 6 different countries learned how to look…

Turkey, United Kingdom, China, Cambodia, India, Romania



ONLINE PROGRAM: Identifying and preventing violence and harassment at work

Workers are constantly exposed to situations of violence and harassment at work. However, we are SO used to coexisting with violence that it goes unnoticed, or we don’t consider it a problem. Sometimes we even believe that creating complaint/grievance mechanisms…



The future of work: free of violence and harassment

The first step to be able to prevent and eradicate violence and harassment at work is understanding what behaviours are considered violence and harassment. In this training, we were able to address these terms which include situations and collectives that…

Latin America


Communicate clearly and create healthier relationships in the workplace

Many managers find it hard to connect with workers. It’s hard for them to get messages across to them and misunderstandings are a day to day challenge. In this Training or Trainers, facilitators learned how to train managers to be…



Wording problems to ideate solutions

A problem is an undesirable situation that we would like to see change. How we phrase problem has an impact on what we try to fix, how we fix it, who gets involved in fixing it! Through this course ethical…

Turkey, United Kingdom, China, India, Romania, Cambodia


Effective communication is essential to ensure collaboration

What tools do inspectors have to ensure safe and decent working conditions? Their verbal, their nonverbal communication, their empathy, their listening, their influencing and in general their communication skills are by far more effective and sustainable tools to promote change…
