ONLINE PROGRAM: Identifying and preventing violence and harassment at work


Workers are constantly exposed to situations of violence and harassment at work. However, we are SO used to coexisting with violence that it goes unnoticed, or we don’t consider it a problem. Sometimes we even believe that creating complaint/grievance mechanisms in the company is enough to eliminate and prevent the violence. This is far away from reality.
In this in-depth 24 hour course, participants are able to take a deep dive an learn how to create a culture of mutual respect in the company, design policies and procedures based on good practices and international standards, manage processes of change and intervene in situations of violence.

Client:  Cámara de Comercio e Industrias de Tegucigalpa, International Labour Organization

“This course has a lot of content, I’m taking valuable learning with me. I believe we are talking about a cultural reevaluation. I feel excited for the changes that are coming!”

Date: 1st Edition September 2021, 2nd Edition September 2022, 3rd Edition September 2022

Location: Online

Scope: Honduras