Key Transversal Competencies Program


Companies and the factories in their global supply chains are complex environments. Ensuring that international labour standards, national legislations and codes of conduct are respected is not always easy.
Through this program, ethical compliance officers and sustainability professionals develop core transversal competencies and transformative skills to help them improve working conditions and create healthier and collaborative working environments.

Client:  The Reassurance Network

“This program made me feel much more confident. The training helps me have a different relationship with partners. For example, when we find non-compliances, now I take a step back instead of jumping right into pointing out to the factories that this is not acceptable and they have to correct it. It allowed me to be more open-minded in some situations and it also made me get out of my comfort zone. This program provides skills to apply throughout life – not just work. It is impacting all areas of my life. It teaches new ways of looking at things.”

Date: March 2022 – February 2023

Location: Online

Scope: Turkey, United Kingdom, China, Cambodia, India, Romania