Inside Grievance Mechanisms: A deeper dive


As companies increasingly recognize the importance of addressing workers’ concerns, they are putting in place various mechanisms to address and handle complaints and grievances. Grievance mechanisms are particularly crucial, as they aim to resolve breaches of workers’ rights. To be truly effective, grievance mechanisms must be carefully designed and implemented to ensure the protection and respect of fundamental rights and principles.

In this training, participants shadow Lucy, an HR manager, to gain a deeper understanding of the challenges she faces when receiving, classifying and investigating grievances presented by workers. Participants also discuss how to remediate each of the situations, restoring violated rights and preventing future violations.

Client:  LEGO

“The most important thing I learned from this training is to differentiate between grievance, complaint, problems and suggestion. Through very practical cases, I understood that a proper grievance mechanism could avoid many problems. It is a very nice overview, which offers useful details and examples”.

Date: July 2024

Location: Online

Scope: Hungary, Poland, United States, Mexico, China, Italy
